Becoming a Protect Employer
Complete the form below to enquire about joining
Enhanced recruitment & retention
Each year, more companies recognise the value that being a Protect employer can add to their business. We’re now proudly the industry scheme preferred by over 1,200 employers and 50,000 workers throughout Australia.
To join Protect, employers must pay severance contributions and/or income protection insurance premiums to us, on behalf of their workers, in accordance with a registered industrial agreement such as an enterprise or site agreement.
If your industrial agreement includes contributions to Protect, or you have an agreement in progress, you’re on the way to become a Protect employer.
Please complete the form below to progress your application, or make enquiries about joining, and our Employer Relations Manager will be in contact with you to discuss your eligibility to provide workers the security of a Protect severance account and/or income protection insurance.
Three steps to join Protect
- Once Protect contributions are detailed in your industrial agreement, joining employers will be required to sign a Deed of Adherence confirming compliance with the rules of the Protect severance fund. Employers joining for income protection insurance will sign a contribution agreement.
- You will then be confirmed as a Protect employer on our system and provided login details to our employer portal so you can administer your account and add your eligible employees as Protect worker members.
- Protect employers are also provided a unique EFT account number for secure online banking of contributions, which are then paid monthly.
Complete the form below to kick off your application.
Employers join and sign up employees as worker members
Protect is limited to accepting contributions made under an industrial agreement and cannot accept registration of, or contributions from, individuals. This maintains the Fringe Benefits Tax exempt status of severance contributions to Protect, as an Australian Tax Office recognised Approved Worker Entitlement Fund. Protect income protection insurance is only offered as community/group cover, keeping premiums down and coverage up.
New worker members
If you have received a Protect welcome email, congratulations! Your employer has registered you as a Protect worker member, and through your industrial agreement, has agreed to make severance and/or income protection payments for you into Protect.
Because your employer has supplied your contact details, you may now activate your account online by generating a password via the App or workers portal. If you have any difficulty, simply contact our Member Services Team on 1300 344 249 or via
For further support contact
Employer Relations
Joyce Simitzis
0458 028 326
Industrial Compliance Coordinator
Glenn Janes
0419 556 571 AU
(04) 280 6607 NZ
Protect member services team
1300 344 249